Born in 1936; Dr. jur., 1965, Goethe-University Frankfurt; Emeritus Professor of Economic Law, Environmental Law and Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law, Goethe-University Frankfurt; member of the Research Centre for Environmental Law at the Law Faculty; member of the European Academy for Research on Consequences of Scientific-Technological Development, participation in several interdisciplinary studies of the Academy; has been visiting professor in the United States and Italy; since the early 1970s gradual specialisation on German, European and comparative environmental law; from 1987 to 2000 member of the German Council on Environmental Policy (from 1996 to 2000 chairman); from 1987 to 1994 member of two academic commissions that prepared a German environmental code; Regional Governor for Western Europe of the International Council of Environmental Law; member of several other organisations of German, European and international environmental law; author and co-author of many books and articles on environmental law; co-editor of three periodicals on environmental policy and law; publications also in English, French and Spanish; Elizabeth Haub Prize 1978, Bruno H. Schubert Prize 2004.

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